In Asia – even in Camboida – it is important, that nobody loses his face. Whereas in western countries, corpulant people might hear things like: Oh, you are such thick like a pig, this would never happen in Asia. In this countries, locals say: you look healthy. If meanwhile somebody is more cropulant, they say: you look more healthy.
People who are corpulant are applied to be healthy and rich.
Food has a highly significance in Asia. People who are corpulant are qpplied to be healthy and richt. Never ever a Cambodian or Asian would say: Oh my God, how thick you are. This would amount to lose the face. People who are tall do not have to be disappointed, because nobody says you look healthy to them. Corpulant people show, that they have enough to eat. If you have not enough to eat, people lose too much weight and get ill.
Phare, the Cambodian Circus
A highlight in Siem Reap! Buy tickets online directly on the Circus Phare website*.
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