With Social, Digital and Mobile in Cambodia, the agency we are social has brought out an interesting report actual facts in october 2012. Here are some of the data in this report.
- Polulation in Cambodia in October 2012: 14.953.000.
- 2.466.3045 Internet Users.
- 690.520 are users on Social Networks.
- There are 19.642.563 mobile subscribers in Cambodia – on average, everyone in Cambodia has 1,3 mobile subscriptions.
- Cambodia was the first country in the world with more mobile phones than fixed-line phones.
- 70% of smartphones sold in Cambodia Q1 2012 had advanced camera features. That`s double the south east asian average.
- Price of a basic Nokia Handset in Cambodia: US$ 18.
- It´s not uncommon for people in Cambodia to own 3 mobile phones.
- 64% of Cambodia´s population is under the age of 30.
- 43% of Cambodia´s population is below the age of 15.
- 80% of Cambodia+s population lives in rural areas.
- New internet users in Cambodia in 2012: 2.136.625 – growth in internet users: 548%.
- Number of Internet Cafés in Cambodia: 304 – growth in 12: 33%
- Number fo Social Media Users in Cambodia: 690.520.
- Growth in Facebook users in Cambodia in the past 6 months: 41%.
- On average – about 1.100 people in Cambodia join Facebook every day.That´s a new Facebook user every 2 minutes.
- The most popular Cambodian Facebook page is Little Fashion.
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