When saying goodbye to foreigners or high officials, the formal expression “joom reab lea” is used in Khmer language. Similar to greeting someone, the hands are folded in front of the chest when saying goodbye.
Just listen to 4 different voice files – this makes it easier for you to learn Khmer Language. Khmer has got 33 consonants and 24 vocals. Because of this, Khmer is declarated as one of the languages with the most characters in the world.
Did you know? There does not exist a definite way of writing words in Khmer.
Performing Sampeah
There are five ways to perform Sampeah and it belongs to the position of the person you greet. Cambodian People are not used to shake hands. Find our more about Performing Sampeah in our article.
Phare, the Cambodian Circus
A highlight in Siem Reap! Buy tickets online directly on the Circus Phare website*.
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International travel group with friendly people who love Cambodia. We speak English, German and a little Khmer.
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