New Year Angel of the Horse Year 2558 BE
Koraka Tevy arrived at 8:07 am in the morning of 14 April – Cambodian time. She is the second daugher of Kabil Moha Prum. People in Cambodia have prepaired and decorated their houses also with special gifts to welcome the new year angel.
What are the offering to welcome the new year angel?
The offerings in command are simple:
- 5 incense sticks, 5 candle (ទៀន៥ធូប៥)
- A pair of decorated young banana tree (ស្លាធម៍កូនចេក១គូ)
- 3 kinds of fruits, each kind prepared into 2 trays
- Small jasmine flower braids to put on every offering
- And the special offering for Koraka Tevy is her favorite food, cooking oil (តេលំ)
Beside those required offerings, you can prepare as many other offerings as you like such as: candy, cokes, biscuits, milk, etc. (Source)
Khmer New Year around the world
Khmer people celebrate their Khmer New Year around the world. Like this lovingly decorated table in Germany.
May this Year of the horse will be full with happiness, health, success, love and prosperity for all.
Wish all a very Happy Khmer New Year 2014! Enjoy the Khmer New Year celebrations!
Sus’Dei Chnam Thmei – Happy New Year
The Khmer New Year celebration lasts for three days. Find out more about the celebration in our article Khmer New Year: One of the the most important Festival in Cambodia
Read more about “Sus’Dei Chnam Thmei” – the 3-day festival to celebrate the New Year in Cambodia and the legends about Khmer New Year.
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