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Größere Kartenansicht
Google Maps now has included a special service. With the Google Maps Lab Feature pre-cache map area, it is possible to download up to 10 different maps on your smartphone. During your travel, you are able to interact with them, without using the internet.
The function on your smartphone:
1. Open your Google Maps App
2. Open settings and then klick on Google Labs
3. Choose the feature pre-cache map area
On the map now choose the area, which you want to pre-ccache. Press the popped-up balloon and choose pre-cache map area. That´s it!
Now you can explore Angkor Wat without any roaming charge by using the maps in offline modus. Have fun!
Phare, the Cambodian Circus
A highlight in Siem Reap! Buy tickets online directly on the Circus Phare website*.
Links and references with a * are an affiliate link (advertising link). If you like Visit Angkor and buy, book or subscribe to something via an affiliate link, the provider will make a small commission for Visit Angkor. Of course, there are no additional costs for you.
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